1. Low energy machine. We've purchased SIMION, Jimmy Garland has started learning it, and we intend to do tracking of Carol's design and characterise. Roger and I bid for money last week to fund some work on it, but we weren't successful, but we may be able to bid for more soon. Roger can say what's intended at Huddersfield. 2. Therapy machine. There is some interest over here in a normal conducting follow-up to PAMELA that allows pCT. Chris Edmonds and I have been discussing possible designs, and Chris has laid out a couple in Zgoubi. The primary question we should address there is whether we want fast energy variation of the therapy beam or not. 3. 1 GeV machine. As you know we've been looking at the induction option, but it doesn't look very attractive. So Carol's design is the one to look at for now! However, we should contrast the different solutions - nsFFAG, H2+, and SOC. Also, David Brett (Rob's student) has nearly finished a mapping code that will be useful for doing FFAG tracking. You just give it a field map. My student James Jones is presently looking at racetrack FFAGs. One specific outcome I think we should from the meeting, or shortly after, is a parameter sheet for each of the machines. This parameter sheet should have 'target', 'achieved in design', and 'presently achieved' values for each of the following parameters: Particle type accelerated Energy Circumference Max field (and whether SC or NC) Lattice structure/number of cells/magnet layout Beam current/bunch structure/repetition rate Time of flight (plus whether isochronous) RF acceleration voltage Aperture/radius range Dynamic aperture Injection/extraction method I can guess at these numbers, but we should have a table for each machine that gets updated as designs progress. An ideal thing to put on Pavel's Google page.