July 30, 2022 to August 6, 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

Oscillation tomography of the Earth with solar neutrinos and future experiments

Jul 30, 2022, 5:20 PM
Wasatch A/B

Wasatch A/B

Talk Multi-messenger Tomography of Earth (MMTE 2022) Workshop


Pouya Bakhti (JBNU)


We study in details the Earth matter effects on the boron neutrinos
from the Sun using recently developed 3D models of the Earth.
The models have a number of new features of the density profiles,
in particular, a substantial deviation from spherical symmetry.
In this connection, we further elaborate on relevant aspects
of oscillations ($\epsilon^2$ corrections, adiabaticity violation, entanglement, {\it etc.})
and the attenuation effect.
The night excesses of the $\nu e-$ and $\nu N-$ events and
the Day-Night asymmetries, $A_{ND}$, are presented in terms of the
matter potential and the generalized energy resolution functions.
The energy dependences of the cross-section and the flux improve the resolution,
and consequently, sensitivity to remote structures of the profiles.
The nadir angle ($\eta$) dependences of $A_{ND}$ are computed for future detectors DUNE,
THEIA, Hyper-Kamiokande, and MICA
at the South pole.
Perspectives of the oscillation tomography of the Earth
with the boron neutrinos are discussed. Next-generation detectors
will establish the integrated day-night asymmetry with high confidence level.
They can give some indications of the $\eta-$
dependence of the effect, but will discriminate among different models
at most at the $(1 - 2)\sigma$ level.
For high-level discrimination, the MICA-scale experiments are needed. MICA can
detect the ice-soil borders and perform unique tomography of Antarctica.

Attendance type Virtual presentation

Primary authors

Prof. Alexei Yu. Smirnov (Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics) Pouya Bakhti (JBNU)

Presentation materials