July 30, 2022 to August 6, 2022
Cliff Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

Landscape of Neutrino Physics

Jul 31, 2022, 9:00 AM
Wasatch A/B

Wasatch A/B

Talk Multi-messenger Tomography of Earth (MMTE 2022) Workshop


Prof. Francis Halzen (UW-Madison)


In the last decade IceCube has opened a new window on the Universe using neutrinos as astronomical messengers. The instrument detects more than 100,000 neutrinos per year in the GeV to 10,000 TeV energy range. IceCube and similar detectors now under construction or at the concept stage, will perform neutrino physics with high statistics samples of atmospheric neutrinos and with the beam of high-energy neutrinos of cosmic origin that can be separated from atmospheric neutrinos at TeV energies and above. We will discuss the surprising observation that extragalactic cosmic ray accelerators dominate nearby Galactic sources with an energy flux that is comparable to that of high-energy photons. We will discuss the emergence of their sources after a decade of IceCube observations and in multimessenger campaigns. Importantly for this meeting, cosmic neutrinos provide us with a PeV-energy beam for neutrino physics.

Attendance type Virtual presentation

Primary author

Prof. Francis Halzen (UW-Madison)

Presentation materials