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7–8 Apr 2022
US/Pacific timezone

Contribution List

24 / 24
Wahid Bhimji (NERSC, Berkeley Lab)
07/04/2022, 09:00
Benjamin Weaver (NOIRLab), Ofer Rind (BNL)
07/04/2022, 09:50
Robert Gardner (University of Chicago)
07/04/2022, 10:05
Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
07/04/2022, 10:57
Lincoln Bryant (University of Chicago), Robert Gardner (University of Chicago)
07/04/2022, 11:04
Javier Duarte (University of California San Diego), Nhan Tran (FNAL)
07/04/2022, 11:20
Dylan Rankin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
07/04/2022, 11:30
Allison Deiana
07/04/2022, 11:40
Wahid Bhimji (NERSC, Berkeley Lab)
07/04/2022, 12:25
Matti Kortelainen (Fermilab)
07/04/2022, 12:35
Brian Bockelman (Morgridge Institute for Research)
07/04/2022, 12:40
07/04/2022, 12:45
Carlos Maltzahn (UC Santa Cruz)
07/04/2022, 12:50
07/04/2022, 13:20
07/04/2022, 13:50
Jakob Blomer (CERN), Philippe Canal (FERMILAB)
08/04/2022, 09:00

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