"Future Collider Options for the US" White Paper


 World-leading global accelerator facilities require decades of planning, preparation, research and development (R&D), construction and commissioning. Studies and planning should be undertaken now to prepare for major particle physics projects for beyond the LBNF/DUNE time horizon in the US, i.e., from the 2030s into mid-century. As the US community participates in the planning process and strategy development abroad, this Snowmass is a great opportunity for the world HEP community to consider options for major complementary facilities that can be hosted in the United States.  

Several white papers have been written for this Snowmass Study advocating consideration of various global collider options as well as those that are suitable for hosting in the US. We have made an attempt here to discuss some new proposals and briefly discuss other options described in detail elsewhere and cite the relevant papers. To advance these studies and planning, Fermilab recently launched a Future Colliders initiative, and in collaboration with the Snowmass energy and accelerator frontiers, a series of Agora events are being held to facilitate discussion of various collider options.  These discussions have also provided valuable input for this white paper.

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