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T-980 Meeting - Low Energy Crystal Estimates for the Recycler

Penthouse (Booster West Towers)


Booster West Towers

Meeting Notes:    3/15/2012      Present: Still, Annala, Mokhov, Prevatali, Johnson, Shin, Drozhdin

Dean provided a reminder of what we are attempting to accomplish.  Opening up a new set of beam studies for low energy uses of bent crystals.  The idea was to install 2 crystals into the RR to look at proof of princilple applications like resonant extraction, CH & VR at low energies related to collimation and other possible ideas.

Nikolai reported summary of results produced from IHEP.   Their calculations showed that CH at reasonable hi eff could be achieved at shorter crystals or .1 to 1mm along the beam.  IHEP could provide crystals and other devices for our beam studies.

Sasha reported on the use of the MS8 crystal in the RR.  This was most likely the crystal we would use if we tried to install it in the RR asap.   Sasha reported that this is not  good candicate to put into the RR because the CH and VR effects are not very good.

A discussion from the larget group recommended that we proceed in the following way.
1) Sasha do complete simulation with IHEP type crystal to see where the best locations to install goniometer and collimators would be located.
2) Once Sasha has presented results from simulations, we should build a proposal for pitching to get space in the RR.  We should have a clear plan of what we want to accomplish and what instruments and devies we will need.

We also discussed attendance at IPAC12.  Since Valentia and Young min will be present, Dean will write a 3 page paper on results from last May EOS period to present as a poster session.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Results from IHEP
      Speaker: Dr Nikolai Mokhov (Fermilab)
    • 2
      Results of 8 strip test
      Speaker: Dr Alexandr Drozhdin (FNAL)
    • 3
      Plans to move forward
      Speaker: Mr Dean Still (Tevatron)