5 April 2022
US/Eastern timezone

Snowmass e+e- Collider Forum (Zoom)

The international community is making great progress in the development of a strategy for e+e- colliders as the next major projects after the end of the LHC program. To capture the interest for such linear and circular colliders in the US community, we have formed an “e+e- Collider Forum” led by the Snowmass Energy Frontier (EF), Instrumentation Frontier (IF) and Accelerator Frontier (AF). The e+e- Forum will help with the preparation of the Snowmass frontier reports and provide a path for further engagement in developing a strategy toward an e+/e- collider.

The Coordinators of the Forum are: 

AF: Emilio Nanni (SLAC), John Power (ANL), 

IF:  Ulrich Heintz (Brown), Steve Wagner (Colorado), 

EF: Maria Chamizo Llatas (BNL), Sridhara Dasu (Wisconsin)

The intent of this Forum is to promote dialogue and discuss differences and complementarities between the various  e+e- collider concepts, either linear or circular, from the accelerator, detector and physics perspectives, in harmony with the rest of the wider international community.  The discussions will be informed by the Agora on future collider events, contributed white paper,  and works carried on within the topical groups. The outcome of these discussions will be summarized in a report that will serve as input to the Snowmass frontier reports. The Forum however will not replace or duplicate the work that is carried out in the various topical groups that oversee all physics studies and are ultimately responsible for the final reports. The Forum’s activities will be carried out in close collaboration with the topical group convenors of the relevant frontiers.

Registration for this event is currently open.