The ICARUS detector is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) that is part of a program dedicated to resolve short baseline neutrino anomalies at the eV mass scale. ICARUS was originally commissioned underground at LNGS in Italy, operating for three years as the first large scale LArTPC. After moving to CERN for upgrades and refurbishments, the ICARUS detector was installed at Fermilab and now serves as the Far Detector in the SBN Program. The detector has been filled and cooled with liquid argon since last spring, and we have been operating in a commissioning phase as the final installation activities are wrapped up. The installation of the Cosmic Ray Tagging system is complete and the 3-m thick concrete overburden is near completion. In this poster, I will give an overview and status of the ICARUS neutrino detector.