Jun 16 – 22, 2022
US/Central timezone

ADMX (Axion Dark Matter eXperiment) in 10 minutes

Jun 22, 2022, 9:30 AM
One West (Fermilab)

One West



Stefan Knirck (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


The axion is a very well-motivated Dark Matter candidate in the $\mu$eV mass range. Its discovery would also solve the longstanding question why the electric dipole moment of the neutron is vanishingly small, $< 10^{-26} e$cm, so far consistent with zero. ADMX searches for axion dark matter via its resonant conversion to photons inside a strong (7.6T) magnetic field using RF cavities. In this talk we will review the physics behind the experimental setup, recent results, and future runs.

Primary author

Stefan Knirck (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials