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16–22 Jun 2022
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Muon-neutrino selection and reconstruction in ICARUS

17 Jun 2022, 09:50
One West (Fermilab)

One West



Jacob Larkin (Brookhaven National Lab)


The ICARUS detector will search for neutrino oscillations involving eV-scale sterile neutrinos using the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab. These oscillations may be observed as muon-neutrino ($\nu_\mu$) disappearance, which will require a high purity sample of $\nu_\mu$ events in the detector with sufficient statistics to maintain sensitivity to $\nu_\mu$ disappearance. Additionally, the energy of neutrino events must be reconstructed in order to perform fits of neutrino oscillations. A preliminary study of selection cuts and reconstructed neutrino energy, using simulated data, will be shown to demonstrate the impact of these factors on the sensitivity of ICARUS to $\nu_\mu$ disappearance.

Primary author

Jacob Larkin (Brookhaven National Lab)

Presentation materials