In the aim to reduce the uncertainties in future neutrino oscillation experiments, it is necessary to have high accuracy in neutrino-nucleon cross section models. For this reason, the MINERvA experiment has measured many different exclusive neutrino-nucleon cross sections. Charged current neutrino Interactions with positive charged pion production is the predominant channel in the 1 GeV < W <1.5 GeV region. A large proportion of the 1-pion events in this region involve resonance production. For this reason, this W region is called the resonance region, and it is located between the quasielastic region and Deep Inelastic Scattering region. This talk will describe measurements of differential cross sections of 1-pion events in the scintillator tracker region of the MINERvA detector, including results from both the LE (< E_nu > = 3 GeV) era and the ME era (< E_nu > = 6 GeV).