Jun 16 – 22, 2022
US/Central timezone

CC nu_mu 1 pi+ production in the MINERvA tracker

Not scheduled
One West (Fermilab)

One West



Everardo Granados Vazquez (Universidad de Guanajuato)


In the aim to reduce the uncertainties in future neutrino oscillation experiments, it is necessary to have high accuracy in neutrino-nucleon cross section models. For this reason, the MINERvA experiment has measured many different exclusive neutrino-nucleon cross sections. Charged current neutrino Interactions with positive charged pion production is the predominant channel in the 1 GeV < W <1.5 GeV region. A large proportion of the 1-pion events in this region involve resonance production. For this reason, this W region is called the resonance region, and it is located between the quasielastic region and Deep Inelastic Scattering region. This talk will describe measurements of differential cross sections of 1-pion events in the scintillator tracker region of the MINERvA detector, including results from both the LE (< E_nu > = 3 GeV) era and the ME era (< E_nu > = 6 GeV).

Primary author

Everardo Granados Vazquez (Universidad de Guanajuato)

Presentation materials

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