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16–22 Jun 2022
US/Central timezone

NEXUS: A low-background, cryogenic facility for detector development and calibrations

22 Jun 2022, 08:30
One West (Fermilab)

One West



Dylan Temples (Northwestern University)


The Northwestern Experimental Underground Site (NEXUS), located in the MINOS cavern at Fermilab, is a user facility for development and calibration of cryogenic detectors. The heart of NEXUS is a dilution refrigerator with a 10 mK base temperature, protected from radiogenic backgrounds by a moveable lead shield and 100 meters of rock overburden. The fridge is outfitted with cabling to support multiple detector payloads, with both RF and DC input and readout. Currently, NEXUS houses three experiments: a superconducting qubit array, SuperCDMS HVeV detectors, and a microwave resonator array. The facility is in the process of being upgraded with a DD neutron generator, an ideal source for calibrating low-energy nuclear recoils and processes like the Migdal effect. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the utilities available at NEXUS and discuss future opportunities.

Primary author

Dylan Temples (Northwestern University)


Valentina Novati (Northwestern University) Benjamin Schmidt (Northwestern Univsersity) Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano (Northwestern University) Lauren Hsu (Fermilab) Samantha Lewis (University of California - Berkeley) Daniel Bowring (Fermilab)

Presentation materials