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16–22 Jun 2022
US/Central timezone



16 Jun 2022, 15:15
One West (Fermilab)

One West



Neutrinos: DUNE

  • Polina Abratenko ()

Neutrinos: ANNIE

  • Matthew Judah (University of Pittsburgh)

Neutrinos: SBND

  • Afroditi Papadopoulou ()

Neutrinos: ICARUS/ LArTPCs

  • Rob Fine ()

Neutrinos: MiniBooNE/ MicroBooNE/ Neutrino beams

  • Stefano Tognini (Federal University of Goias)

Neutrinos: LArIAT/ MINERvA

  • Ivan Lepetic (Rutgers University)

Neutrinos: NOvA

  • Lauren Yates (Fermilab)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Gabriela Lima Lichtenstein (Universidade de Campinas)
21/06/2022, 08:00
Komninos-John Plows
21/06/2022, 08:30
Everardo Granados Vazquez (Universidad de Guanajuato)
21/06/2022, 09:00
Building timetable...