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21–23 Jun 2022
America/Chicago timezone

Contribution List

33 / 33
Pedro Machado (Fermilab)
21/06/2022, 09:00
Ivan Jesus Martinez Soler (Fermilab and Northwestern U.)
21/06/2022, 09:15
Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin)
21/06/2022, 10:05
K.S. Babu (Oklahoma State University)
21/06/2022, 11:00
Bhupal Dev (Washington University in St. Louis)
21/06/2022, 11:25
Payel Mukhopadhyay (Stanford University)
21/06/2022, 14:50
Michael Wagman (Fermilab)
21/06/2022, 15:15
Richard Hill (University of Kentucky and Fermilab)
22/06/2022, 09:40
Mu-Chun Chen (University of California, Irvine)
22/06/2022, 10:05
Shirley Li (Fermilab)
22/06/2022, 11:25
Anna Malgorzata Suliga (Niels Bohr Institute)
22/06/2022, 11:50
Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University)
22/06/2022, 14:00
Ryan Plestid (University of Kentucky)
22/06/2022, 14:25
Zahra Tabrizi (Northwestern University)
22/06/2022, 15:15
Stephen Brice (FNAL)
23/06/2022, 10:00
Kendall Mahn (Michigan State University)
23/06/2022, 11:00
Ornella Palamara (Fermilab)
23/06/2022, 11:30
Alec Habig (Univ. of Minnesota Duluth)
23/06/2022, 12:00
Marcela Carena (Fermilab)
23/06/2022, 13:30
Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern University)
23/06/2022, 13:40
Pedro Machado (Fermilab)
23/06/2022, 14:05
John Beacom (Ohio State University)
23/06/2022, 14:20