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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

4–8 Dec 2023
Instituto Principia
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Welcome to the SBND Collaboration Meeting in São Paulo.

We are looking forward to hosting you in São Paulo city in December. The event will be held at Instituto Principa, located close to Avenida Paulista, at the heart of São Paulo.

More information will be added to this page as we get closer to the event. We  will let everyone know when something important appears. 

As a first step, we will help you prepare your trip to Brazil. Take a look at the Travel tab to know more about the VISA process and hotel suggestions. The region of the Avenida Paulista is famous for its Christmas decorations, so it can get very busy in December. The earlier you book, the better your chances of getting a good deal.

Registration Fee:                 315 BRL (approx. 60 USD, includes coffee breaks)
Collaboration Dinner:         350 BRL (approx. 70 USD)

Instituto Principia
The Dome
Rua Pamplona, 145 - Casarão - Bela Vista CEP: 01405-900 - São Paulo - SP
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