Arnab Pal
(University of Texas at Arlington)
This analysis uses the Forward Proton Detector (FPD), a sub-system of the DØ detector at the Tevatron collider at Fermilab to measure the single diffractive differential cross section (dσ/(d|t|)) at √(s ) = 1.96 TeV center of mass energy. The single diffractive candidate sample was selected using triggers requiring hits in both proton detectors in an FPD spectrometer, and a veto on hits in the same side Luminosity Monitor, consistent with an intact proton. The four-momentum transfer |t| of the scattered protons were measured using the FPD system. The analysis presents the measurement of the differential cross section of single diffraction as a function of |t| in the range 0.2<|t|<1.25 GeV2. The differential cross section measurement is consistent with the theoretical and experimental expectations. The total single diffractive cross section(σsd) in the region 0.0<|t|<1.25 GeV2 is consistent with other experiments.
Primary author
Arnab Pal
(University of Texas at Arlington)
Andrew Brandt
(University of Texas at Arlington)