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25–26 Apr 2012
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone
We have started a vigorous effort to answer Office of Science Director Bill Brinkman's charge to Fermilab to find a path forward to reach the goals of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment in a phased approach. A steering committee led by Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim, with many of the LBNE stakeholders as members, will guide the study. The steering committee will have two working groups: the physics working group, led by Mel Shochet of the University of Chicago, and the engineering/cost working group, led by Mark Reichanadter of SLAC. The Committee is asked to deliver a preliminary report by June 1 and a final report by July 1. Detailed information can be found at To inform the community, discuss the status of the work in progress and seek input, we will hold a workshop on April 25 and 26 that is open to all interested parties. ReadyTalk will be available for remote participation. Agenda includes: * Initial studies done by working groups * Community voice from LBNE collaboration (April 26) * Community voice on NuMI options (April 25) * Community voice: open mics (60' on April 25 and 60' on April 26) * Discussion forum towards building concensus If you would like to sign up for a time slot for the open mike sessions (up to 2 slides / 5' each), please send an email to Jon Bagger, Steve Vigdor and Mary-Ellyn McCollum (,, "Community voice from LBNE collaboration" and "Community voice on NuMI options" are organized by LBNE co-spokespersons and MINOS/NOvA co-spokespersons, respectively.
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
One West, Wilson Hall
Batavia, Illinois