Neutrino Frontier Topical Group Convener meeting

See email for Zoom

Notes for 6/9 meeting.  Scribe: Louis Strigari

Discussion of transitions in NF06, NF05, and CF. 

Analysis of timeline. A little behind to get the reports out for community comment. Also all topical group reports are ready for community feedback. Executive summary is pretty much ready 

Klein: Executive summary is where? Ans: It's the same area on google drive. How do we make changes? Ans: Incremental updates are possible. Named versions as v1 and v2. If we feel it’s useful to do another round after making some significant comments, it should be fine to post 2.1, 2.2, etc. If we override the previous number, we may screw up the commenting. 

Yu: Updated versions can be submitted up through July 26. An update is possible if we don’t want people commenting on the same document. 

Scholberg: Spreadsheet for community comments will be out soon. 

Sousa: What is the updated deadlne for the NF reports? When are the NF reports released to the larger community? Ans: Around June 15. Most WGs have already sent in a designated next draft. Next version will be, not version 3. 

Scholberg/Worcester: A lot of text in there, but not ready to be sent out yet.  

Main topic of this meeting is CSS agenda 

Schedule is now quasi-final. For the full plenary, we have 3 25 minute talks and a panel of speakers. There’s a semi-plenary shared with RFP. This is forming, still some outstanding invitations. 

Parallels is the main chunk of work that needs to be done. Jacob has done significant work and will report on this. Succeeded in getting interest from early career folks. Need to send an email to the community to let them know what the configuration will be. Link for chat to parallels:

Go to Jacob now for progress on early career 

Jacob: Update on status of organizing NF early career at CSS meeting. Solicited abstracts over the last few weeks. Talks now organized into themes. A few requests on the time/day for a given presentation. 31 abstracts accepted, mostly from postdocs and a few graduate students. Pretty good gender balance. Some remote talks requested from outside the US. Those are slotted early in the session; some report for remote talks. 

Divided into 6 session topics.  

Sessions themes broadly about DUNE, cross sections, low energy physics, future oscillations, reactor neutrinos, and other future ideas. All in the google spreadsheet, can be widely shared in the snowmass channel if necessary. 

20 minute break in the 4 hour sessions, sessions are largely in the beginning of the day. No break in the 2 hour sessions; break before that and lunch right after, so it’s probably ok. 

Rooms have a maximum number of people, so some decisions were made based on which sessions go into which rooms. 

Comments welcome on schedule; want this to be finalized at some point soon. Maybe a better way to present the schedule than in the google sheet. 

Need chairs for the sessions; probably 2 chairs, 1 pre break and 1 post break, 6 total people. 

Kate: Looks great, no major comments. Maybe last minute issues to deal with. 

Jacob: Probably need to set a cut off date, if ever. 

Kate: Once the schedule is sent out, probably don’t accept any more abstracts. Only way around would be if there’s a cancellation. We’re now pretty far past the deadline, so no obligation to take any more. 

Elizabeth: Probably turn off the submission link at this time. 

Pedro: Joint session between NF and accelerator frontier. Is there a provision in which someone doesn’t want to pay the registration fee for remote talks. 

Kate: Probably nothing to do

Elizabeth: Maybe a way to petition for a remote registration fee. Just email Gordon; no formal way to request. We could present the neutrino requests as a package. 

(Some confusion amongst group about reduced registration fee. Everyone agrees money is an issue)

Alicia: What do we do ocne we have an agenda on our topic? Ans: This is the next topic. 

Elizabeth: Here’s the spreadsheet.

Josh: Why are parallel sessions 16/17 almost identical? 

Elizabeth: Possible to talk to CF to change things. Parallelization is a little unfortunate. Let her know if we need to give up a room. 

Gann: All drafts have TGs, but not frontier document

Kate: Not available yet to the community. Go up in slack to find the link. 

Elizabeth: -1 means room has not been assigned yet. Requests to change the session names if necessary. EC sessions will be named based on topics. 

Julieta: Given NSAC long range plans, should we have a discussion on how these sessions overlap.  

Elizabeth: These are the sessions that have made it into the schedule. Someone at UW should turn this into an indico. She will be granted access to the indico page, and will make managers, and managers will populate indico with talks. Where topical groups are put down, they may be broad, so probably need to split it up a little bit better. Asking for people to be responsible for co-chairing sessions. If nothing has happened, she’ll randomly assign people. 

Baha: Since we know the dates, we can decide an get back. 

Elizabeth: Yes, please sign up as you’re ready to. Wants at least 2 names in each box. Want everyone from all groups to do this. 

Once people are starting to coordinate the sessions, put down names once they are known. Ultimately everyone will be granted control to fill out their indico. 

Yu: What if we need one more session? 

Elizabeth: Largely the answer is no, since the LOs are extremely pressed based on the sessions requested months ago. Also, Snowmass is designed for small groups, so parallels are by and large set. 

Early bird registration deadline is coming up very soon, it’s already been extended once. Keep that in mind when inviting people. Use the slack channel to determine if there’s conflicts, though we have to take ownership of the sessions since they can’t be micromanaged. Apologies fo the last-minuteness. 

Yu: Do we have the invited speaker list? 

Kate: Not heard back from all invitations, 

Elizabeth: 3 talks, one on oscillation/2 flavor, BSM, Astrophysics connections. These are the panel for Q/A afterwards. 

Semi-plenary: Overall, a few confirmed but not all. 

Elizabeth: On top pull down menu of the webpage.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:10
      Updates 10m
      Speakers: Elizabeth Worcester (BNL), Kate Scholberg (Duke University), Prof. Patrick Huber (Virginia Tech)
    • 13:10 13:30
      CSS Planning 20m
      Speaker: Elizabeth Worcester (BNL)
    • 13:30 13:40
      SEC-NF Update 10m
      Speaker: Jacob Zettlemoyer (Fermilab)
    • 13:40 14:00
      Any group reports 20m