1. Low-z cross-correlation paper. Olivier provided updates on changes to paper and response to referee's comments.
Proposed changes in paper are now marked in green on the Overleaf document. Co-authors should email comments directly to Olivier & Reza (don't make changes directly on Overleaf) by friday (16th). The draft letter to the referee will appear on this Indico page.
2. Postpone discussion of software/data management until next week.
3. Paper planning - Albert identified several papers that are underway or that we should write:
WIYN NCCS redshift survey paper - how do we decide we are done? Do we publish current, small area survey now, and expand to larger area later?
21 cm analysis of NCP using current data. Mapmaking, set limits on HI, identify and characterize systematics. Can we calibrate well enough to combine visbilities from different nights?
Correlated noise paper - coming along quickly
Ground spill paper. How is this effect related to "pitchfork" and "noise at the horizon" described by Danny Jacobs and others?
Radio flux catalog in our band. NCP (hard to calibrate) and mid-latitude (easier to calibrate, but not much data)
4. Proposal planning - see attached slides from Peter