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12 June 2012
US/Central timezone

Complete Muon Cooling Channel Design and Simulations

Not scheduled
Wilson Hall Atrium (Fermilab)

Wilson Hall Atrium


Board: 33


Dr Cary Yoshikawa (Muons, Inc.)


Considerable progress has been made in developing promising subsystems for muon beam cooling channels to provide the extraordinary reduction of emittances required for an energy-frontier muon collider. However, it has not yet been demonstrated that the various proposed cooling subsystems can be consolidated into an integrated end-to-end design. Presented here are concepts to address the matching of emittances between subsystems through an extension of the theoretical framework of the Helical Cooling Channel (HCC), which allows a general analytical approach to guide the transition from one set of cooling channel parameters to another.

Primary author

Dr Cary Yoshikawa (Muons, Inc.)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.