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12 June 2012
US/Central timezone

Measurement of Triple Differential Photon Plus Jet Cross Section in ppbar Collisions at 1.96 TeV in D0

Not scheduled
Wilson Hall Atrium (Fermilab)

Wilson Hall Atrium


Board: 29


Alexander Verkheev (JINR)


A measurement of triple differential cross sections for the production of a photon plus a jet is presented for a photon transverse momenta in the range of 20-400 GeV with photon rapidities of |y^gamma|< 1.0 and 1.5<|y^gamma| < 2.5 and four jet rapidities up to |y^jet| < 3.2. The results are based on a data sample of 9 fb-1 of integrated luminosity accumulated during June 2006 – September 2011 in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) =1.96 TeV and recorded with the DØ detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The measured triple differential cross section should allow to check a gluon PDF in a wide x-Q^2 kinematical range.

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