Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie, Peter Timbie (UW-Madison)



1.  MNRAS Low-z x-correlation paper resubmitted - Olivier

2.  Software/data management - Reza - see attached slides

- would be helpful if access to Tianlai01 were easier so we could all use same installed version of tlpipe, processed data.  If not at Fermilab, can we find an alternate place to host the data and process it?

- Jixia reports that at NAOC there is a self-managed shared cluster,  mainly for cylinder data.  (Not much analysis of dish data at NAOC other than FRB analysis.) 2-3 users.

- Shifan maintains a version of tlpipe on github. 

- Jixia points out that large amounts of storage are need to keep data sets that have been processed  (calibration, rfi removal, etc.) in different ways

- Reza suggests agreeing on one processing method that is 'good enough' to move from Level 1 --> Level 2, and then reprocess if necessary, wiping the old processed data.   (Depends on relative costs of storage and cpu.)

- ask for input from Albert and John (not present for this discussion), who have spent a lot of time on managing and processing dish data

- Olivier suggests modifying slide 2 of Reza's presentation with estimates of resources (storage, cpu) required for the various steps (moving from left to right and top to bottom on the flow chart).

3. Other?

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.