FD simulation and reconstruction meeting

Refuge Chamber (WH13SW)

Refuge Chamber (WH13SW)

Chris Backhouse (University College London), Dominic Brailsford (Lancaster University)

Room at Fermilab: Refuge Chamber (WH13SW)

Zoom: https://fnal.zoom.us/j/95304825724?pwd=TmNnSXBqaFhoNkNQR2ZUeExWWVI4dz09

    • 9:30 AM 10:00 AM
      LArSoft and Vertical Drift geometry: towards a drift along Y-axis 30m
      Speaker: Thomas Kosc
    • 10:00 AM 10:30 AM
      VD signal shape analysis 30m
      Speakers: Thibaut Houdy (Max Planck Institute for Physics and Technical University, Munich), Thibaut Houdy (IJCLab, Orsay)