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SEMs for Mu2e and g-2 Operations

Penthouse (Booster West Tower 2nd floor) (Fermilab)

Penthouse (Booster West Tower 2nd floor)


Slides plus meeting notes
g-2/mu2e SEM Instrumentaiton Meeting:

Attending: Still, Drendel,Gomilar,Franck,Mcarthure,Zagel,Shoo,Tassotto,Sondgeroth,Budlong, Peterson,Arnold


Brian spoke on general instrumentation that is needed for g-2 and mu2e and a reminder of the layout.

Dean spoke on the big picture results of the performance of the SEM's for the g-2 beam tests.   He hilighted 4 areas of concern for getting profiles of secondaries for g-2.
  1. Preamps
  2. Clearing Fields
  3. Background subtraction and data gathering for g-2 timing.
  4. how to profile the beam for g-2 beam line which will be low intensity

There is a need for a new preamp design.   The current system is outdated and only has 6 units with limited replacement parts.   It will depend on how many unit that will ultimately be needed for g-2 and mu2e.  

During the beam test there was a test that tried to use the clearing fields of sem 706 and 704.  There was no clear conclusion if any using the CF worked.  The CF for the pbar source had been abondanded because there was no benefit.  Dean was hoping there was benfits to single to noise by using CF but Gionni claims it will not help at all and the CF can be abandoned for g-2 as well.

There was some discussion on the new scanners.  There was a question from Dan about what was the desired minimal time between a background frame and the beam frame.  It is currently ~3msec.  It would be nice if it were 10 usec?

There was also some discussion about how to see secondaries in the g-2 line.  Gionni mentioned that we might be able to use chromix or chromix wires.  I also was going to look into using some type of pixel detector that was developed for T980.  The problem in the g-2 line is that the intensity is already border line to get a profile at Sem 733 and the g-2 beam line will be even lower intensity.

There will be beam study time in 2013 to test and prototype new hardware for the SEM's.  We should take advantage of this period and have designs and ideas in place for this period.

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