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Search for light dark matter with the DarkSide program

CURIA-II-WH2SW (Wilson Hall)


Wilson Hall

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The DarkSide program is a direct dark matter search experiment that uses argon as the target material. Exploiting the ionization signal from a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC) filled with low radioactivity argon from an underground source, the preceding experiment, DarkSide-50, has set the strongest limit against WIMP with a mass in the GeV/c2 region. A new analysis has recently been carried out with a larger exposure coupled with an improved understanding of the detector response. In this talk, I will present the details of the updated search for light dark matter. I will also highlight latest studies to mitigate remained backgrounds and give prospects on future experiments.

    • 13:00 14:00
      Search for light dark matter with the DarkSide program 1h

      The DarkSide program is a direct dark matter search experiment that uses argon as the target material. Exploiting the ionization signal from a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC) filled with low radioactivity argon from an underground source, the preceding experiment, DarkSide-50, has set the strongest limit against WIMP with a mass in the GeV/c2 region. A new analysis has recently been carried out with a larger exposure coupled with an improved understanding of the detector response. In this talk, I will present the details of the updated search for light dark matter. I will also highlight latest studies to mitigate remained backgrounds and give prospects on future experiments.

      Speaker: Masato Kimura (AstroCeNT/CAMK, PAN)