1. Low-z paper almost published: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/advance-article/doi/10.1093/mnras/stac2832/6754328?utm_source=authortollfreelink&utm_campaign=mnras&utm_medium=email&guestAccessKey=21a2a0d5-04d3-4146-ae29-d572874008b5
2. Software & Data Management - Reza
We need a system similar to Tianlai01 which is more accessible to team members outside Fermilab. At UW? Brown? Albert could provide a (100 TB?) disk array. Fermilab also has old disks from business section that might be available.
3. WIYN/Hydra proposal. We were not awarded time in the current semester (2022B):
4. Strange transient events seen in cylinder data on Monday while Sun below horizon. Zijie and Furen showed waterfall plots (attached below). Not seen in dish data. Solar activity?
5. Olivier is looking at dish observations of bright sources from 2017 and 2018. 'Ripples' in gain vs frequency plot appear in 2017 but not in 2018. Jixia thinks there may have been a problem with the correlator.