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Indico will be unavailable on Wed, Jan 15th from 7-7:30am CST due to server maintenance.


An Altarelli Cocktail for the MiniBooNE Anomaly?

by Vedran Brdar


This seminar is dedicated to the MiniBooNE experiment that has been recording an anomalous excess of electron-like events for over a decade, suggesting non-standard oscillation features at very short, kilometre-scale, baseline.  The leading explanation for this observation features the introduction of eV-scale sterile neutrino that is capable of inducing neutrino flavour change across short baselines. I will first critically examine a number of theoretical uncertainties affecting the MiniBooNE event prediction, focusing on charged current quasielastic events, events from neutral pion decay and single-photon events from decays of heavy resonances. Finally, I will show how the aforementioned uncertainties affect the fit of a sterile neutrino scenario as well as refer to alternative new physics models for resolving the MiniBooNE anomaly.

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