DUNE CCB meeting: 8-Dec-2022 FNAL Utilization/Pledges/Resources Current / 2022 metrics ====================== CPU [A "slot" = 1 core x 2 GB = 1 MWC] HTCondor "quota" is 3400 slots, has peaked to 5400 on demand (FermiGrid) in 1 year, 3400 slots -> 29.8M, 5400 -> 47.3M slot-hours used in last 1 year 46.3M slot-hours, 25.7M CPU-hours overall 33.2M slot-hours, 17.2M CPU-hours FermiGrid equivalent 3790 slots 1963 CPUs Disk DuneAnalysisPools 394,949,139 MIB = 0.41 PB Persistent DunePhysicsPools 476,160,000 0.50 Persistent DuneReadWritePools 1,904,435,200 2.00 Cache protoDUNEPools 5,125,017,600 5.37 Cache DuneStagingPools 958,361,600 1.00 Staging cache ============== ==== 8,858,923,539 9.29 Tape 22.6 PB used 2023 CCB request / pledge ========================= CPU 3972 MWC Disk 8.86 PB Tape 36.2 PB Capacity (non-CMS) ================== FermiGrid currently 27.8K cores, 43.5K slots (oversubscribed in slots) Total public dCache 34 PB RAID6 +10 PB new - 4 PB OOW - ? redirected to ceph Current total tape 165 PB (+ CMS 92 PB)