1:15 PM
Zoya Vallari
1:25 PM
Understanding the fuzziness
Stephen Greenberg
(UC Berkeley)
1:35 PM
Thoughts on Analysis Targets
Michele Weber
(University of Bern / LHEP)
Michele Weber
1:45 PM
Group report: ML reco
Andrew Mogan
(Colorado State University)
Francois Drielsma
Jeremy Wolcott
(Tufts University)
Kazuhiro Terao
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Sindhujha Kumaran
(University of California, Irvine)
1:55 PM
Group report: Pandora
Leigh Whitehead
(University of Cambridge)
Steve Dennis
(University of Cambridge)
2:05 PM
Group report: MINERvA
Alysia Marino
(University of Colorado Boulder)
Noe Roy
(York University)
Tammy Walton
2:15 PM
Group report: CAFs
Jeremy Wolcott
(Tufts University)
2:25 PM
Group report: production and calibration
Kevin Wood
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Matt Kramer
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
2:35 PM
Callum Wilkinson
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
J. Pedro Ochoa
(University of California at Irvine)
3:15 PM
Closing Remarks
Callum Wilkinson
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
J. Pedro Ochoa
(University of California at Irvine)