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July 31, 2023 to August 4, 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Abstract submission for parallel talks and poster abstracts is now open!

There is a limited amount of available space, so please submit your title and abstract as soon as possible. Abstracts for both talks and posters are due by June 30, 2023 at 11:59pm CST.

For talk abstracts, please indicate the topical area most relevant to your talk. The topical areas and poster instructions are described in more detail below.

If you have any questions about posters or submitting your abstract, please contact us at

Topical areas:

  • Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence -- Novel algorithms for lattice calculations including methods related to machine learning and artificial intelligence

  • Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions -- Studies of single- and multi-hadron energy spectra and their reations to phase shifts and other hadron interaction parameters, as well as interactions of multi-hadron states with external currents

  • Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model -- Studies of lattice field theories beyond the Standard Model, including supersymmetry, composite Higgs, exotic matter, Large-N_c, and dark matter

  • QCD at Non-zero Density -- QCD and other theories with non-zero chemical potentials or particle-number density, as well as studies of sign problems in this and other contexts

  • QCD at Non-zero Temperature -- QCD and other theories at non-zero temperature, including thermal phase transitions, transport phenomena, and properties of the quark-gluon plasma

  • Quantum Computing and Quantum Information -- Theoretical, algorithmic, and hardware developments for lattice field theory on quantum devices

  • Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics -- Hadronic contributions to lepton magnetic moments (g-2), quark- and lepton flavor-changing processes including CKM matrix unitarity tests

  • Software Development and Machines -- Software, hardware, and data management tools enabling lattice calculations including development for novel architectures and accelerators as well as data preservation and sharing

  • Standard Model Parameters -- Studies enabling precise determinations of the parameters of QCD, namely the quark masses and strong coupling

  • Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei -- Hadron structure functions and matrix elements including meson and baryon charges, form factors, and light-cone distributions such as PDFs, TMDs, and GPDs

  • Tests of Fundamental Symmetries -- Hadron matrix elements of operators that violate Standard Model symmetries and can be used to search for new physics including baryon- and lepton-number vioation and new sources of CP violation, as we as dark matter searches

  • Theoretical Developments

  • Vacuum Structure and Confinement -- Vacuum properties of QCD and related theories including analytical and numerical studies of confinement

Poster Instructions:

  • Due to limited space, only portrait posters can be presented.

  • Posters should be no larger than 36 inches (91 cm) wide by 48 inches (122 cm) tall, in portrait format.

  • The printing on the poster should be readable by reviewers. It is highly recommended to use font that is visible from ~4ft.

  • Graphs & photos should be high resolution.

  • Please print the posters yourself before the meeting.

Important: if you are presenting results from a Fermilab experiment please request a CONF, POSTER, and/or SLIDES report number from Fermilab's preprint numbering system and upload a copy of your poster ASAP. This is a DOE/FRA contractual requirement for all Fermilab experiments. You cannot present your poster if you do not have this number. It may take up to two weeks to complete this process, so make sure you leave enough time before the meeting.

The call for abstracts is closed.