14:40:25 From Shreyas Bhat : !rm /tmp/vt_u$(id -u)* !rm ~/.config/htgettoken/credkey* 14:40:35 From Shreyas Bhat : rm /tmp/vt_u$(id -u)* rm ~/.config/htgettoken/credkey* 14:45:32 From Steven Timm : DUNE has such a calibration role token... 14:52:03 From Shreyas Bhat : storage.modify is required to rename files, Andrei: https://zenodo.org/record/3460258#.Y5JOOrLMK3I 14:52:23 From Shreyas Bhat : (p. 12 of that document) 14:52:40 From Andrei Gaponenko : Thanks! 14:55:13 From Shreyas Bhat : curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" "https://URL 14:55:26 From Shreyas Bhat : export TOKEN=`cat /run/user/$(id -u)/bt_u$(id -u)` curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" "https://URL 14:56:02 From Andrei Gaponenko : SHould the ${TOKEN} here expand to the file name in /tmp? 14:56:04 From Shreyas Bhat : Go with the second thing I posted here. You have to read out the token file into TOKEN, export it, and then add the header to the cURL command as shown 14:56:30 From Andrei Gaponenko : OK 14:57:01 From Rob Kutschke To Lisa Goodenough(privately) : Please save the chat at the end of the meeting and add it to the indico page. THanks. 14:57:13 From Lisa Goodenough To Rob Kutschke(privately) : Will do. 15:17:06 From Dave Dykstra : The latest version of htgettoken including the htdestroytoken command should be in the /cvmfs/fermilab.opensciencegrid.org ups/upd in about 10 minutes (it is now there with setup -t htgettoken) 15:20:46 From Shreyas Bhat : https://fifewiki.fnal.gov/wiki/Jobsub_lite_Release_notes