FD simulation and reconstruction meeting

Dominic Brailsford (Lancaster University), Laura Paulucci (UFABC)

Room at Fermilab: Refuge Chamber (WH13SW)

Zoom: https://fnal.zoom.us/j/95304825724?pwd=TmNnSXBqaFhoNkNQR2ZUeExWWVI4dz09

    • 09:30 10:00
      Pandora for LE events 30m
      Speaker: Matthew Osbiston (University of Warwick)
    • 10:00 10:20
      CVN studies (Alissa Rameza) 20m
      Speakers: Mary Bishai (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Mary Bishai
    • 10:20 10:40
      Flash Finder studies for FD2-VD 20m
      Speaker: Ariel Cohen (1997)