DUNE Workflow/load Development 6 February 2023 ---------------------------------------------- https://indico.fnal.gov/event/58234/ Present: Andrew McNab (AM) (chair/notes) Ken Herner (KH) Chris Brew (CB) Doug Benjamin (DB) Mike Kirby (MK) Intro+news ---------- - DUNE Global Pool ---------------- - Offsite schedd progress? DB: Fermilab experts meeting with BNL later today. - Names for offsite users (USER@DOMAIN, chosen to match eduPersonPrincipalName?) Agree convention for services + FERRY on this? -- Contact Steve White? - DUNE pool to Landscape/FIFEMON? Keyed by USER@DOMAIN? Probes running on remote schedd daemons too? -- Kevin Retzke probably best person to ask about this - Heidi and Jake trying jobsub lite out on global pool User tools ---------- - jobsub lite being deployed, and by default uses FIFE shared pool - For May tutorial, will want to be jobsub lite and global pool? justIN ------ - Jobscripts library added (keyed by SCOPE:NAME or USER@DOMAIN:NAME) - Changed internal justIN usernames to USER@fnal.gov - Working on adding token (OIDC to CILogon) and SSO support to Dashboard and then command line. Want to get eduPersonPrincipalName from CILogon, ultimately from the SSO IdP used to authenticate to CILogon. Other topics ------------ AOB --- Meetings will continue in this slot, 11am CT Mondays