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Mar 21 – 24, 2023
Fermilab & Argonne
America/Chicago timezone

Call for Remarks in the Open Session

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The town hall at FNAL/ANL will host two sessions for community members to make short remarks (~3min) about their vision for the field, exciting science, projects, and issues of the community. One session is on Wednesday, March 22, at FNAL, the other one is on Thursday, March 23 at ANL.

Please submit abstracts for your remarks by Thursday March 16, 2023. Remarks can be made either in person or on zoom. You can use no more than 3 slides.

In particular, we would like to encourage early career scientists to speak and add their voice to the discussions. If you would like to speak without senior scientists around, request it in the abstract, and we will try to accommodate requests as much as we can in a closed session.

While invited talks at the FNAL-ANL town hall are mainly focused on the neutrino frontier, rare processes and precision measurements and high-energy astrophysics, the remarks do not have to be connected to these areas. We will also have time for an "open-mic" session for discussions.

Depending on the interest, it may be necessary to select abstracts that can be presented. In this case, we will likely follow the scientific themes of the town hall but select topics that are unlikely to be covered in the invited project talks. We may also ask contributors with similar abstracts to present a single merged talk. We will notify you of acceptance of your remarks by Saturday, March 18. The slides for the selected contributed abstracts will be posted on Indico.

The call for abstracts is closed.