Apr 24 – 28, 2023
America/Chicago timezone
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED: Zoom Links will be Emailed to Registered Participants shortly before Meetings Commence

ESS Controls Status Update

Apr 25, 2023, 11:00 AM
Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall) (Fermilab)

Ramsey Auditorium (Wilson Hall)


20-minute talk Project Status Report Plenary Session


Timo Korhonen (European Spallation Source ERIC)


In recent years, the construction of European Spallation Source, including the control system, has progressed very rapidly and we are operating a substantial number of IOCs in production. Our goal from early on has been to apply comprehensively the new emerging features of EPICS; accordingly the talk will cover the status of our use of EPICS 7. Our underlying system architecture, in particular our use of MTCA and our EPICS build and deployment systems will be presented. More details about our software layer will be covered in another talk.

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Primary author

Timo Korhonen (European Spallation Source ERIC)

Presentation materials