1:55 PM
Search for Higgs Decays to b-jet Pairs in CMS
Matt Fisher
(University of Florida)
2:05 PM
ATLAS Search for Higgs Boson in H->WW->lvlv
Philip Chang
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
2:15 PM
Search for Higgs Decays to Tau Pairs in CMS
Matthew Chan
2:25 PM
ATLAS searches for new quarks after the SM Higgs-like particle
Mark Cooke
2:35 PM
The Bs semileptonic asymmetry measurement from LHCb
Allesandra Borgia
(Syracuse University)
2:45 PM
Top Quark Cross Section Measurements at ATLAS
Jake Searcy
(University of Oregon)
2:55 PM
Monojet searches at ATLAS
Bjorn Penning
(University of Chicago)
3:05 PM
Study of the Dijet Mass spectrum and Search for an Anomalous Resonance Near 150 GeV in CMS
Ilya Osipenkov
3:15 PM
Search for a W' or Techni-rho Decaying into WZ in CMS
Cory Fantasia
(Boston University)
3:25 PM
Search for W' to tb with the ATLAS Detector
Jeremy Love
(Argonne National Laboratory)
3:35 PM
Z-prime search at ATLAS
James Coggeshall
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
3:45 PM
Higgs to Gamma Gamma in CMS
Alex Mott
3:55 PM
Search for supersymmetry using events with three leptons, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum at ATLAS
Sasha Paramonov
4:05 PM
CMS Evidence for a New particle of Mass 125 GeV that Decays to Four Leptons
Matt Snowball
(University of Florida)
4:15 PM
Search for resonant tt production in lepton+jets events in CMS
Samvel Khalatyan
(University of Illinois at Chicago)