9:30 AM
Quark Flavor Physics
9:30 AM
Charged Lepton Processes
9:30 AM
Andre de Gouvea
Kate Scholberg
(Duke University)
Kevin Pitts
(University of Illinois)
Sam Zeller
9:30 AM
New Light Weakly Coupled Particles
9:30 AM
Baryon Number Violation
9:30 AM
Nucleons, Nuclei & Atoms
11:15 AM
NSAC Report & Perspective
Josh Klein
12:00 PM
Joint with Instrumentation
12:30 PM
Joint with Capabilities
12:45 PM
Joint with Computing
1:15 PM
Subgroup Presentation: Quark Flavor Physics
1:35 PM
Subgroup Presentation: Charged Lepton Processes
1:55 PM
Subgroup Presentation: Neutrinos
2:30 PM
Subgroup Presentations: New Light Weakly Coupled Particles
2:50 PM
Subgroup Presentation: Baryon Number Violation
3:10 PM
Subgroup Presentations: Overall Intensity Frontier