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ND-LAr Consortium IB Representative Meeting


12 participants


Deborah Harris,


Alexander Olshevskiy

Dan Dwyer

David Caratelli

Jane Nachtman

Jen Raaf

Lisa K.

Michael Mooney

Mitch Soderberg

Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux

Zelimir Djurcic

Mike Kordosky

Lisa K

A. Marino




Slide 4:  RRB stands for “Resource Review Board”


Mike Mooney:  is there a copy of the current draft of the ND-LAr MOU?


Michele will post the current version to the meeting web page


Expect beam back in a “couple of weeks” and then the final checks of


Slide 10:  not shown:  there is also now fencing around the edge of the platform, so people can get on the platform to do work safely.


slide 10:  AC is “AC Power”—there is more separation between quiet power and full power.


3rd module:  extra light and it’s related to high voltage and given the location it’s hard to understand what the process is that is cauisng this extra light.


Dan:  we have some time to get the AC power and venting and items in place so we can get the TPC’s running, but in the next few weeks we’ll start running the MINERvA portion of the system, as soon as the NuMI beam comes back.  So we’ll have a soft start of the 2x2 operations.


implementing initial calibrations and data quality monitoring.  basic steps you need to start running the system.  We will start ramping up the analysis effort on that front.


Michael Mooney:  are there people available for MINERvA data analysis?  I am curious about developments on DAQ for the 2x2?  Are we merging charge and light into one stream?


Dan:  MINERvA data will require more effort on this front (merging).  once we bring in the TPC data we won’t be scrambling trying to understand the MINERvA data.


Michele:  also need to implement a timestamp to merge the data streams.  there is a difference between the way we do the timestamp and the way that the DUNE DAQ is doing the timestamps.




DAQ:  there has been progress. they did install the DUNE DAQ in Bern.  when they rerun module 3 they will do exercises with the DAQ.


Will still be ODH 0 even once the cryostat is full.


slide 13:  the term for the run coordinator is 3-6 months.


Michael:  how long do you plan to operate the 2x2.  does it make sense to have this run coordinator position split between 2 people?


We may still get beam before the summer shutdown.  but then we’ll try to run through the 1 year of neutrino beam next year, potentially longer.  the primary goal is to have the physics certification for the final design.  but this isn’t something we just run for 2 months and take it apart.  we’ll probably need a few people over the year.


we might pair a junior person with a senior person for this run coordinator position.


slide 15:  may do another analysis workshop before the next DUNE collaboration meeting.


Alysia has agreed to serve as the MINERvA lead for ND Prototypes Analysis.  They are having their first meeting tomorrow.


Analysis Tools:  CAFS, and incorporating systematics.  Andrew Mogan will be working on that.  If you have a candidate, please contact Pedro and Zoya


Michele:  we have insisted that it is important to have the consortium connected to the ND Prototypes Analysis section, and the DUNE Physics organization.


Michael Mooney says that we might consider appointing talented graduate students to these positions, if we’re having difficulty finding people.  We have some great students on this experiment.


Multiplicity was suggested as an “easy” first measurement.


Callum has prepared a list of first measurements that the 2x2 could do.

Zelimir also presented a few thoughts on this at the collaboration meeting.


Neutron Argon cross section measurement.  Time of Flight measurement?


what is SBND doing (as their first measurement)?


might stick to track-based topoology.  where is SBND going to be at that point?


what do we need to demonstrate that the modular TPC works to reconstruct neutrino events?


could just do a timing of neutrinos with the beam.  then that doesn’t show that we have more than one module.  could be location of vertices.


could just do a performance paper?


Michele:  if we want to show that we can do physics then we need a physics measurement.






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