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18–22 Feb 2023
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Mental Health 101: Let's Talk About it!

18 Feb 2023, 09:20
1h 10m



Adrienne McCue (Step Up For Mental Health)


Let's talk about it! 1 in 5 people in the USA is dealing with it right now. Stigma and shame have stopped individuals, families, co-workers, and communities from seeing the signs and understanding how to approach it, label it, and deal with it — it's Mental Health. As a peer support advocate, Adrienne McCue, President and Executive Director of Step Up For Mental Health®, is on a mission to break the silence and discuss why mental health should be talked about and treated equally to physical health as part of the whole body. Let's discover the signs and what mental health looks like, and make an action plan to break the stigma and shame and bring humanity and understanding to this issue that affects us all.

Presentation materials