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Development of new CCDs with non-destructive readout mode

CURIA-II-WH2SW (Wilson Hall)


Wilson Hall

Zoom Link Send an email to javiert[at] to get the connection information


Several applications with charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and Skipper-CCDs can be significantly improved with an enhancement in pixel readout speed. Skipper-CCDs can reach an extremely low readout noise using a floating gate (FG) that allows non-destructive readout (NDR) of the charge packet. In this seminar I will present the effort to integrate a dual-gate MOSFET, that has NDR capability like a FG but with higher sensitivity, into existing fully-depleted thick CCD designs. The second development is an imager fabricated in a CMOS process that has skipper-CCD readout stage on each pixel.

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      Development of new CCDs with non-destructive readout mode

      Several applications with charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and Skipper-CCDs can be significantly improved with an enhancement in pixel readout speed. Skipper-CCDs can reach an extremely low readout noise using a floating gate (FG) that allows non-destructive readout (NDR) of the charge packet. In this seminar I will present the effort to integrate a dual-gate MOSFET, that has NDR capability like a FG but with higher sensitivity, into existing fully-depleted thick CCD designs. The second development is an imager fabricated in a CMOS process that has skipper-CCD readout stage on each pixel.

      Speaker: Dr Miguel Sofo Haro