DUNE Workflow/load Development 6 March 2023 ------------------------------------------- https://indico.fnal.gov/event/58774/ Present: Andrew McNab (AM) (chair/notes) Doug Benjamin (DB) Ken Herner (KH) Steve Timm (ST) Chris Brew (CB) Mike Kirby (MK) Intro+news ---------- - LArSoft DUNE Global Pool ---------------- - KH: ~5000 jobs test done, success rate comparable to normal pool - KH: Jobs not appearing in normal FIFEMON, but there if you look - ST showed viewing jobs through DUNE global cluster on FIFEMON - ST will organise meeting about pool - KH: Job logs should appear in Landscape but may need to be set up explicitly for off-site schedds - DB: Some service at Fermilab contacting the BNL DUNE schedd but without the IDTOKEN - CB: VM at RAL-PPD ready for schedd, and getting config set up next User tools ---------- - ST: No decision yet on token weakening for jobsub lite jobs (because of access to persistent storage from jobs, which we don't want.) - AM: I think people agree on that - MK: Have a jobsub flag that overrides the token weakening? - ST: Want storage.create:/dune/scratch/users/timm storage.read:/dune They proposed storage.create:/dune/scratch/users/timm, storage.create:/dune/scratch/persistent/timm, storage.modify:/dune/scratch/persistent/timm, storage.read:/dune justIN ------ - AM: AWT history now recorded (by creating events) - AM: WebDAV upload to Fermilab scratch from justIN jobs Other topics ------------ - DB: Can we sparsify the sites/storages matrix that is tested by AWT? - Discussion about when/whether to do that vs keeping all-to-all monitoring in place for debugging etc AOB --- Meetings will continue in this slot, 11am CT Mondays