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20–22 Jun 2023
Europe/London timezone

The DUNE Collaboration invites the broader particle physics community to participate in an in-person only OPEN WORKSHOP (DUNE collaboration membership not required) to explore options for expanded physics opportunities and novel detector technologies for DUNE’s Phase II near detector. The meeting will address how to deliver DUNE’s primary long-baseline physics programme and how to broaden the physics scope of the experiment (e.g., in physics scenarios beyond the standard model). We encourage participation by the theory community to further develop the physics case for the DUNE near detector.

New technology challenges will arise from the higher beam power anticipated for Phase II and the need to reduce systematic uncertainties for the oscillation measurements. The meeting will cover all major aspects of the Phase II near detector technology, including proposals for improvements to the existing detector and the addition of more capable detectors, such as a gaseous argon Time Projection Chamber (NDGAr).

The programme will comprise invited talks, contributed talks, and discussion time. Information about abstract submission will be added soon.

Imperial College London