EPP-2024 Fermilab Town Hall

Wilson Hall Ramsey Auditorium (Fermilab)

Wilson Hall Ramsey Auditorium


Maria Spiropulu, Michael Turner

The National Academies is conducting a study (EPP-2024) about the future prospects for and societal benefits of particle physics research. The goal of this study is to help US stakeholders make informed decisions about funding, workforce, and research directions. As part of this study, the committee would be grateful to  hear the ideas and opinions of the community at large, and the Fermilab particle physics community on the following topics:


  • The big scientific questions that underpin the field
  • The tools—new and old—that are needed to address them
  • New ideas and approaches we can incorporate from other fields
  • Challenges that the field and its members face and how they might be addressed
  • Any workforce or structural issues


You may submit your questions and comments ahead of time in this Google form or directly to the committee during the meeting.

Zoom: https://fnal.zoom.us/j/91356486934?pwd=bUJ5TWpwY3B3dGFrSW03NUFmclhFQT09

    • 9:00 AM 9:20 AM
    • 9:25 AM 9:45 AM
      President Alivisatos remarks 20m
      Speaker: Paul Alivisatos (University of Chicago)
    • 9:50 AM 10:50 AM
      A view from Fermilab: Vision for HEP 1h
      Speaker: Lia Merminga (FNAL)
    • 10:55 AM 12:30 PM
      Community Questions/Comments Discussion 1h 35m