MSD Machine Operations Report Summary Wednesday, March 8, 2023 Proton Source 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. Linac access today to add turbo pumping to Tank 5 i. Will attempt to add RGA 2. Fluids a. Nothing to report Main Injector/Recycler 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. Tunnel tour today to look for RR sextupole magnet stands in alcoves and MVA 2. Fluids a. Tunnel tour today for LCW leak(s) External Beamlines 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. NM2 - alignment as founded leaking box SWIC i. Waiting for replacement box SWIC to install and may be ready today 2. Fluids a. Re-building/installing F4 LCW pump b. Continuing work on the AP-10 de-oxygenation system c. NS1 3-way valve cooling issue yesterday morning i. Instrumentation looking at controller with fluids tech today d. NS2 DI loop work delayed until next week Fluids – General 1. CUB - Column 1 (MI) was regenerated yesterday and it will be placed in internal recirculation mode with 18 MOhm today a. Column 2 is dying very soon 2. CMTF - Affiliated Services is in today working on Aaon Chiller fixing leaky glycol pumps inside the large outside unit