MSD Machine Operations Report Summary Friday, March 10, 2023 Proton Source 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. Linac Tank 5 vacuum/water work planning i. Wednesday addition of turbopump improved vacuum slightly before power glitch 2. Fluids a. Nothing to report Main Injector/Recycler 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. Wednesday i. I:IP6171 tripped off and Ops reset without issue ii. Vacuum burst in the 900 region. Vacuum recovered fairly quickly. ACNET shows 6 pumps faulting, but many others spiked. 2. Fluids a. LCW pump is rebuilt and will be moved to MI60 as a spare b. MI Magnet LCW system filled yesterday c. Wednesday during the access, a moderate size water leak was found on the orange hose at MI321. The hose was replaced in the afternoon. i. The leak on the vent valve near 231 was still leaking, but has remained slower than before the attempted repair during the previous access. External Beamlines 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. F1 Manhole vacuum recovering after resetting pump station b. NM2 waiting on box SWIC from alignment c. P2/P3/M1 line vacuum issues around known F17 bellows leak 2. Fluids a. Fixed the leaking hose on the magnets in Pre-Vault/Pre-Target i. The REM LCW system provides cooling water to these magnets ii. The magnets have been valved in (M:108A and M:108C) Fluids – General 1. CUB a. Made up to MI magnet system using column 1 b. Currently using column 2 to make up to REM system spheres i. Column 2 will likely crash after the fill ii. ISD is waiting for test results and if good will be granted permission to proceed with regeneration of Column 2