MSD Machine Operations Report Summary Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Proton Source 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. Linac Tank 5 vacuum is holding since the water skid was turned on Monday 2. Fluids a. Nothing to report Main Injector/Recycler 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. I:IP400B tripped off i. Ops tried resetting, but it wouldn’t pump down ii. Investigating it this morning b. I:IP602 spiked and faulted (3/14 around 13:30) 2. Fluids a. Nothing to report External Beamlines 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. NM2 - SWIC installed and alignment planned for tomorrow b. F-sector - F17 vacuum surviving okay i. Ready to replace leaking bellows when given access opportunity ii. Requires 1-1/2 days of downtime 2. Fluids a. All the air has been removed from the REM LCW system and the pumps are running i. The resistivity is slowly coming up and is at about 1 MOhm-cm now ii. In the past we have operated when this value hit 5-6 MOhm-cm b. Turning on and making up the MS2 LCW system i. Investigating leaking magnet with TD today c. NS2 - DI loop repair preparations continuing Fluids – General 1. CUB a. Column 2 dead waiting for FESS lab results to proceed with regeneration b. Column 3 on-line with REM system c. Column 1 on-line in internal recirculation ready to fill magnet system when needed