MSD Machine Operations Report Summary Friday, March 17, 2023 Proton Source 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. Tank 5 bulk tuner cooling line fitting vacuum to air leak check yesterday and this morning, repaired with vacseal i. Preparing chiller installation today 2. Fluids a. Nothing to report Main Injector/Recycler 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. I:RV001 closed on it own and Ops opened it back up i. The problem is likely in the card, crate, or electrical panel as the pressure is good on both sides of the valve, the pump is relatively new, and the solenoid has been replaced recently b. I:IP400B - EE support tech reported that there is a short either somewhere in the cabling or the ion pump itself 2. Fluids a. Water leak found on pump #2 on the MI Abort skid after I:4WL101 (Abort LCW liquid level) went into alarm and was valved out by Ops last night i. Need to fill tank and turn on pump #1 b. Quad near 333 has a slow dripper leak c. Orange hose at 336 has a bubble but is not leaking External Beamlines 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. NM2 alignment Monday i. Instrumentation is connecting electrical and ArCO2 to the newly installed box SWIC ii. NM2/NM3 electrical box being investigated today so additional vacuum station can be added 2. Fluids a. MS2 LCW leaks patched earlier this week and system is operational b. NS2 DI loop repair - potential to do it next Thursday and Friday Fluids – General 1. CUB - regenerating Column 2, can bring on-line tomorrow