Mini-Workshop for Coherent-NCvAs

Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM (Fermilab)

Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


The outcome of this workshop would be to form a strategic plan of using the low energy neutrino source at either BNB at FNAL and/or SNS at ORNL. There will be a larger workshop at LLNL on Dec 6-7 which includes the reactor based coherent-NCvAS effort. That workshop is intended to allow the funding agencies (DOE) to assess the significance and degree of community interest in the work. We would like to provide our inputs to this workshop as well. contact: Jonghee Yoo (
    • 13:00 13:10
      Introduction 10m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


      Speaker: Steve Brice (Fermilab)
    • 13:10 13:50
      Physics of low energy neutrinos 40m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


      Speaker: Kate Scholberg (Duke University)
    • 13:50 14:20
      OscSNS project 30m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


      Speaker: Heather Ray (University of Florida)
    • 14:20 14:50
      Far-off-axis neutrino source at Fermilab 30m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


      Speaker: Jonghee Yoo (Fermilab)
    • 14:50 15:10
      Coffee Break 20m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


    • 15:10 15:40
      SciBath: Neutron Background Measurement 30m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


      Speaker: Robert Cooper (Indiana University)
    • 15:40 16:10
      Detector R&D at Fermilab 30m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


      Speaker: Ben Loer (Fermilab)
    • 16:10 16:40
      Detector R&D at LANL 30m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


      Speaker: Andrew Hime (LANL)
    • 16:40 16:41
      LANL LDRD LAr TPC Project (remote contribution) 1m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


      Speaker: Christopher Mauger (LANL)
    • 16:40 17:20
      Strategic Plan 40m Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM

      Theory Conference Room: Wilson Hall 3rd floor NorthEast - room will be open 11AM~6PM


      Speaker: All Participants
    • 19:00 21:00
      Dinner at Meson Sabika: 1025 Aurora Ave., Naperville, IL 60540 (TEL:630-983-3000) Maison Sabika

      Maison Sabika

      1025 Aurora Ave., Naperville, IL 60540 630.983.3000