10 October 2012
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

10 / 10
Steve Brice (Fermilab)
10/10/2012, 13:00
Kate Scholberg (Duke University)
10/10/2012, 13:10
Heather Ray (University of Florida)
10/10/2012, 13:50
Jonghee Yoo (Fermilab)
10/10/2012, 14:20
10/10/2012, 14:50
Robert Cooper (Indiana University)
10/10/2012, 15:10
Ben Loer (Fermilab)
10/10/2012, 15:40
Andrew Hime (LANL)
10/10/2012, 16:10
Christopher Mauger (LANL)
10/10/2012, 16:40
All Participants
10/10/2012, 16:40

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